Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, January 4, 2025
NO, I in No Way Accepted a Traitor to Lead My Children to Suffering and Destruction
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation in Brittany, France on January 3, 2025

Word of Jesus Christ :
"Daughter of Love, Light and Holiness, blessed by the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, write so that My children may hear and understand.
All those who passively watch and wait how the painful situation My Catholic Church is experiencing will end do not display a fervent, God-loving heart. Rather, they are lukewarm, uninvolved in Love and Hope; they resemble those people in front of a tennis tournament, indifferent, with no favorite and no interest in supporting their candidate. The outcome matters little or nothing to them.
NO, know that I, God, neither wanted nor accepted an impostor to serve and lead My children so dear to My Sacred Heart.
On the other hand, My dear children who hear, receive and listen, (obey) My Word, My teachings and the advice of My true faithful servants;
- you who regularly consult the Bible and have known and recognized the prophecies that guide you and accompany you in Truth to protect you;
- you who have humbly received them without making selections or rejections from God's benevolence in His Word and who have known how to discern;
- you who have heard the words of Mary Immaculate, Co-Redemptrix, Mother always concerned with your Salvation, always available to each of you for your so great needs of every kind;
So you've recognized that for God, Alpha and Omega is a Unique act and Present act. In this instant of Creation, God the Creator, before His creature, Man, saw that ¨this was good¨ In this same second, God also saw Man perishing weak and manipulated by the jealous Fallen One, come in vengeance to deceive Man and lead him to disobedience and acceptance of the knowledge of evil, inflicting upon him the rupture from his Perfection and filial bond with the Eternal Father.
Understand then, My weak but much-loved children, that God respectful having left you your free will, saw the wrong choice humanity was making.
His Only Son therefore became incarnate and underwent His Passion to save mankind, reconcile them with the Father and thus offer them Redemption.
Then, My children, NO, I God have neither chosen, nor commissioned, nor accepted a fraudulent servant, enemy of God, who turns My people away, in My Church entrusted to holy apostles and to Mary Immaculate, Mother of God.
This Church is My gathered people, She is the Body of Christ, She is Living, Holy and Immortal.
I beseech you!
Repent, lukewarm ones, who ignore the suffering you inflict on My Church by your indifference and disinterest in the gathering of God's children and your passive adherence to every blasphemous act that satanized society proposes to you.
- Repent, lagging sinners to your contrition, confession and reparation necessary to your purification. Know how to implore the Precious Blood of Christ offered for your Salvation.
- Repent, persecutors of God's Love, of God's humble child, thieves of Faith and Hope, forgers and torturers. You have chosen the inspiration of evil and followed it. Where do you think you're going by turning away from God, whom you know because you persecute Him in His works, and accepting the evil that destroys you as much as you destroy your brothers?
Know that God Magnanimous
- welcomes innocent and good pagans,
- raises the sincere repentant,
- calls the wrongdoers who dare not cry out their fear, despair and regret,
- offers all His own His mercy.
Know that God is Justice,
- He chastises all those who allow themselves to insult the Holy Spirit in their thoughts, in their actions including adherence to evil to offend God, destroy their brethren and the Church, eternal refuge of the Body of Christ.
NO, I have in no way accepted a traitor to lead My children to suffering and destruction.
Who then dares to say such abominable things to take away all hope in God, in His Divine Love and Perfection; He is the Only Eternal Good offered to the world He created; He is Truth, His Word is Immutable and Life to him who keeps it in his heart.
I will curse those who maintain this relativism concerning Me, these assumptions of human imagination that impose themselves and oppose Wisdom. I will curse all those who propagate these discourses that bring confusion and harm to faith and by lowering the Presence of God to false information for the pleasure of enhancing themselves through their discourse.
My children of goodness and humility, may your search find in the Discourse on the Mount (Matthew 5, 1-12, the Beatitudes) answer to your quest. Do you find, in what the worldwide Church offers you, that simplicity of virtues that Heaven asks of you and blesses?
What question do you ask yourself to understand the situation you're in and the reason that delays you from making a personal and definitive decision about your belonging to God and to the Love that binds you to the supernatural, to the Divine and about your choice for Eternity?
"Forty years your fathers disappointed Me" and I said, "Never will they enter My rest."
Pray, My children, keep up the dialogue with God and Heaven. Don't stay alone and above all turn away from all this fallacious and harmful talk. There is only one Truth: God and His Infinite Love that saves you.
I am with you, I am in you, I AM. I bless you.
Jesus Christ"
Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation, some servant in the Divine Will of the Almighty, One God.
Source: ➥